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Following the austerity of wartime, the country was now able to enjoy the coronation of a new queen, the birth of rock and roll, the launch of ITV, the introduction of fish fingers, the opening of the M6 and the production of the first mini.

For St Francis, the 1950s was a period of growth and development. A separate Parish was not created until 1948 (incorporating parts of Normacot, Fulford, Oulton, Barlaston and Blurton parishes), so much work was needed to establish to parish in the hearts and minds of the local community.


More building work was undertaken including the erection of the vicarage in 1950 and the reconstruction and extension of the Church Hall in 1953 following fire damage. More internal beautification of the church was also carried out including a colourful stained glass window in the ‘Children’s Corner’ and the St Francis window and altar rail in the Lady Chapel. 

Church Magazine

September 1956

Design for NE (Holt) Window


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